Prince William first met Kate Middleton wearing a See-Through Dress!

source: Associated Press

When Kate Middleton walks down the aisle on April 29th, the dress she wears is sure to turn heads. But it was another dress she wore that made headlines recently.

At a charity fashion show in 2002 at St. Andrew's University, where she and Prince William first met, Kate took to the catwalk in a knitted see-through dress. The garment, designed by fellow student Charlotte Todd, was auctioned off in London last March for $125,890.

Perhaps it wasn't the dress, but the story behind it that made the bidder so determined to own it.

Todd had initially intended the barely-there slip to be worn as a skirt, but Kate decided to wear it as a dress that revealed her fabulous physique. Prince William, who reportedly paid $317 for a front row seat at the show, fell in love.

The two started dating shortly thereafter. "I'd like to call myself a royal matchmaker," Todd told the Associated Press.

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Originally published by:  AllMediaNY's Jasmine Enberg.

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