Selena Gomez biography and sexy photo gallery

Selena Gomez was born on 22th July 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas, USA. She grew up in Texas and got her first break as a cast member on the kids TV show Barney and Friends. Gomez landed minor roles in several other TV programs, but it was her affiliation with the Disney Channel -- who discovered her during a nation0-wide talent search in 2004 -- that officially jumpstarted her acting career.

The Suite Life of Zach and Cody and Hannah Montana paved the way for Gomez's own show,The Wizards of Waverly Place, which premiered in October 2007 and quickly became one of the network's most popular programs.

She began branching out into pop music by recording songs for her own Disney projects. She sang the theme song for Wizards of Waverly Place, recorded several other tunes for the the show's soundtrack, and performed on the soundtrack of the family film Another Cinderella Story.

The band's full-length debut, Kiss & Tell, was released that year and went gold, as did its 2010 follow-up, A Year Without Rain. Gomez continued filming The Wizards of Waverly Place and made her theatrical debut in the 2010 film adaptation of Ramona and Beezus, but her music gathered just as much attention, as did a highly publicized relationship with fellow teen idol Justin Bieber.

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