As a lot of buss is circulating over the last few days regarding the article about me posted by the Associated press, as much as I feel that I don't need to say anything, I want to let you know the truth in my heart. China is my homeland. It has been and continues to be the greatest source of pride, inspiration, and tremendous support and love to me through out my life. Despite a few isolated incidence, which I have learn a great deal from, every positive thing in my life and career could not have been possible without China and our people. I just hope you see the truth of my spirit, see the love in my heart, and not be mislead by politics. I feel terribly saddened that I have been pulled into this situation. That an actress sharing her most private memories in the hopes of helping others is victimized again. I am an entertainer not a politician. Sexual abuse happens everywhere, even in Hollywood. The real issue is not where the abuse happens, but how we understand and heal. I don't blame anyone least of all myself. I was sharing my story to help others lost in the situation. I would like to emphasize that it is the action I am taking for myself in order to resolve my childhood issues that I had hidden deep inside. It is towards the very individuals at that time, not towards the Chinese army nor the Chinese government. No Government should be held responsible for the actions of its individual citizens.

It is a shadow I have never dealt with, and never really know how to let it go, and for the very first time I was daring to reveal that wounded child in me, and just suddenly as if a bright light flying by, I realized she is actually very vulnerable but strong and yet very beautiful. Even though there are bad experiences shadowing her in life, still she is her own self with grace and beauty for people to love and admire. No one can destroy her spirit, no one can take her power or her beauty but herself. I stood up from my falls, I light the lights in the dark, and I learned to walk the walk again with a smile and forgiveness in my heart. I exposed myself in the light, sharing my story to the world, only to show you there is love, compassion, courage, and honor in our spirit that will never die. I want others who are still in the dark, still alone feeling blind, to see and to learn that it is ok to fall. it is ok to be lost in the dark, it is ok to once have felt ashamed and alone, but it is also ok to get up and walk again. It is even better to challenge ourselves to walk farther, to fight with our own fears, to learn the world is a safe place for us to live, to breathe with our kind open heart, and to believe people who are around us, even if they are strangers just passing us by, that yes they are our friends, they have loving hearts, and good wishes toward us. Like nature's palms touching our souls.

Let's take my hands, let's give me your hands, let's trust with faith firmly, that we can come together and smile again with life's joy to love, to walk, step by step, we will see lights, we will feel warmth, we will feel strong, we will find the solid ground, and experience true happiness. Because we are all one big happy family. When you feel that, that's how you finally know that you are alive.

We are all connected in the light of harmony with beautiful music saying: I Love You...

Bai Ling

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