Dog rescued at sea 3 weeks after Japan quake!

The Japanese coast guard on Friday rescued a dog floating in the debris off the coast of Kesennuma Japan. The dog can be seen scrambling on the roof of a house that had been washed away. It is not clear if the dog was stuck on the roof for the entire three weeks after the Japan quake.

After coast guard rescuers descended from a helicopter onto the house, the dog can be seen scrambling under the roof and disappeared. The helicopter rescuers were unable to lure the dog out but according to NTV, the canine was eventually pulled to safety by a coast guard boat that relieved the helicopter, which was running low on fuel.

The rescue came as the Japanese and U.S. military combined efforts in an all-out three-day search that could be the last chance to find bodies swept out to sea.
There are still thousands of people missing.

Source: Japan News Today

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