Sugarpill cosmetics Chromalust

I was very intersted to recently hear of a new company I hadnt heard of before called Sugarpill cosmetics. They deal in highly pigmented and intense colours. The company was set up in 2003. Amy the owner originally bought the line out for the clubbing scene alongside her line of fashion clothing. In 2005 she began plotting her lines of colour packaging etc. Sugarpill was then born in 2010 with colourful and eye catching packaging.

I really wanted to try the products but decided the postage to the uk plus any customs would be too much. Then I came up on a great site who were selling some of the eyeshadows. I decided to order the Chromalust as it looked so vibrant and pretty.

I was highly impressed with the packaging and the product, the colour was so pigmented and extremely vibrant ,I fell in love.

Have you tried this range ,if so let me know how you used it and what your thoughts are.

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